Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My Decision To Serve

UPDATED: February 2nd, 2014

Today has been a day that has been LONG awaited for months and months and months. It has been fasted about, prayed for, and longed for for years but has officially been counted down since 488 days ago when President Monson gave the historic announcement that direction had been given from the lord to "Hasten the Work" in it's time- including the lowering of the missionary age from 19 to 18 for boys and 21 to 19 for girls. 
In life, everyone remembers where they were when certain occasions happened. The event that has been pressed into my memory the most was in October of 2012. I was at rehearsal for Dinner theater  at my high school when my best friend BURST through the door and told me that the mission age had been lowered. Obviously, I collapsed in tears. 
When I was 13 years old, I was very against serving a mission for some reason. I was dead set on being the stereotype of BYU- getting married when I was fresh into college and living a blissful life. There was no way I was waiting until I was 21 just to serve a mission. However, clearly the Lord had other things in mind for me. I remember having these feelings that I would serve a mission, being sarcastic and sassy to the Lord in saying NO, I WILL NOT GO. But upon further reflection- I realized that it was definitely not a good idea to push against the Lord in anything. So I changed my heart, and aligned my will with his. 
I remember seeing wonderful examples of sister missionaries that had gone before me. In the time that I was having those feelings, Cecily Lucero, An ANGEL of a person had just returned home from her mission, and spoke to us in Young Womens about the blessings of missionary service. It really made an impression on me and solidified my decision to serve.  My cousins- Sharlie and Missy had served. Cecily's sister, among others also answered the Lord's call to serve a mission. I so looked up to those women because they were crucial in allowing me to trust the Lord and move forward in my decision to serve a mission. 

The Day has FINALLY arrived.  My Papers have been submitted. They are in Process. I should have a mission call in about  a week and a half- I can't stop crying, but happy crying, I feel so blessed to have grown up with the knowledge of such a wonderful gospel. I love it so much. It means Everything to me. I don't care where I am called- It's not the WHERE that matters. It is the WHO and the WHAT. All that matters to me is that I am teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who don't know that God is our loving Heavenly Father, He wants us to be Happy, and He wants us, His Children, to Come Home. God doesn't want to just save a few of us. He wants ALL of us to come home- He has provided a way to make that possible. I get to go represent Jesus Christ and invite others to come unto him, and to someday be able to Go HOME... which really- is all I want. I want my family to remain faithful, through trial, through persecution, through tumult, through pain, through whatever we are called to bear. I want them to stand firm. I want them to testify boldly, and let whatever buffetings and persecutions this world wants to throw at us- Come. I believe in Christ,- so really- what else matters. I will have a family that is sealed together for eternity. I will be married for time and all eternity someday. But first, in order to earn that privilege, I want to go and help others find that same happiness that I know I will  enjoy someday. The process has begun. I can't wait to see what adventures lay in store for me. 
 Sister Missionary in the Missionary Training Videos for the new MTC.
 100 days left countdown! 

 Mckenna and I wrapped in the 100 days chain! 

I am practically jumping for joy. I KNOW  that the GOSPEL is true. Jesus Christ sits at the head of everything that goes on in this church. Everything here- prepares us for a greater good in heaven. I can't wait to share the message that my Father Lives, and He Loves me.
I will help move this work along. I will not be silent. I will not be still.
I will go out there- no matter where I am sent- to the furthest jungle in africa- to the frozen abyss of Russia,to the hot hot sun in Texas or Arizona- to the middle of nowhere island somewhere in the furthest reaches of the ocean- to the cities- the suburbs- the ghettos- the forest surrounded hills- the plains- the little tank towns of the south- lands with great cathedrals- or maybe even to the furthest reaches of Asia. No matter where  I am called to serve- I will go and give it my 100%. I will not have any ties, any distractions, or anything holding me back. I will go Worthily, pure, valiant and strong- and although I know I am far from ready to go be an amazing missionary- Whom the Lord Calls, He qualifies. 
And I can't wait to be shaped in the woman that He wants me to be. 

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