Monday, July 15, 2013

"I Am A Child Of God"

In my Mission Prep class today,  I was pondering our challenge. Which is to testify to the person sitting next to us a simple truth, and how we know that. I was impressed to open my journal, which several months ago, I was also prompted to evaluate what truths of the gospel I already know, and what more I needed to gain a testimony of.
Here is an exerpt of the things that I wrote in that particular journal entry.

" I have a testimony that I am a daughter of a loving heavenly father who knows me, and loves me. I find when I remember WHO I AM, and WHERE I CAME FROM, I am most happy and successful. I know that God is my father in heaven. I am his cherished daughter [as it says in my patriarchal blessing] I know he knows me better than I know myself. THe times when I have the best relationship with him are the times I am happiest....." It goes on. but that's all I'll share of this for now.

When I read that, I knew that in mission prep, I knew I had to testify that I do know that I am a daughter of God. He does truly know me personally. Those words were as true in my heart as they were on May 27th, when I first wrote them down. Retestifying of this truth gave me a feeling of peace, and of joy that I really do know that God loves me, and listens to me.

I am at the beginning of my College experience. As we speak, I am at the BYU library, studying for a midterm test, but I just was distracted, and couldn't finish studying without expressing my feelings on this subject.

You can tell just to look at a person if they know WHO they are and WHOSE they are. You know because the ones who know are service oriented, give God the credit for the things that they do, and seek to bring glory and honor to his holy name all the days of their lives. But what about the ones who don't?

What if you haven't received that confirmation that God is REAL?

I'm no prophet, or president of any big organization. Heck, i'm a member of the indexing and temple committee (Which is actually a really awesome calling, but i'm sure i'll tell all about that later)
I am a simple college freshman, anxiously trying to learn how to live life in general, and specifically how to navigate this big world full of choices and expectations, and mostly just learning how to work so that I can be an effective missionary next year. At this time next year, I will be knocking on doors. teaching lessons. helping others come unto Christ. But I might be able to at least explain some insight on the subject of our divine nature, and worth.

We live in a world where satan is trying to frustrate the Lords work. All you have to do is look around and you will see a lot of people lost, not knowing where God is, if he exists at all.

He does exist.

He is real.

He knows each of us personally, and knows what we are going through. When we are faced with a decision, a cross roads of sorts, where you can only choose one path. He will reveal the path that is right for you.

When you look into a mirror what do you see? What jumps out at you? The zits that have kindly formed right in  the center of your forehead, the extra five pounds pooling out of your muffin top? When you look at yourself, do you classify yourself as the world would classify? Or rather, do you look into a mirror of eternity? Do you see who you truly are?

I would advise you to open your eyes, just a little bit wider. See just a little bit further, and realize what is in you. You are the literal offspring of the most magnificient, loving, caring, gentle, but powerful being in the universe. Surely, you have not been brought of him, and have not inherited even a fraction of his light, of his love, and of his skill. You are no simple creation. God does not create Duds. As we are his offspring, that is not possible. We have children who are not reaching their potential, but not as a result of their spiritual genetic make up.

Pray to know what you're potential is. in fact, take everything to him in prayer. Don't let an hour go by, when you haven't counseled with him, at least silently, to know what it is that is his plan for you.
He will reveal it to you as you listen.

Here's the bottom line.

God loves us. he wants us to be happy and he wants us to know that he IS there. He can't jump out to each of us personally and say HERE I AM. because that would defeat the purpose of faith.
Sometimes relationships that form a bond from a distance, end up being the closest relationships of all.
He has blessed us with an entire earth to inhabit, and look how beautiful that is. You have the same beauty. There is beauty in every day, and in every thing, every situation ,and every person.

God is there. Start listening. realize your potential. and you'll feel it too.

I know I have a divine purpose in this world.
I know I have responsibility to share my testimony that God lives, and loves his children.
I know I have been blessed with talents and abilities, which need to be shared for the helping and uplifting of those that I love.
I know that I can someday be a like God if I but have a little patience, and press forward, with baby steps, to someday attain his level of Glory.

that's it.

That's my shpeal.

I am daughter of a loving heavenly father, who loves me, and I love him.
I will stand as a witness of God. At ALL times, and in ALL things, and in ALL places.

Now off to study for midterms!

Know you're loved, and that you are prayed for, and thought of. Don't give up. Even if you don't know it yet, it will come. I promise.